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Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 7:30 pm



You are invited to virtually attend the Annual General Meeting of Children at Risk. 
This evening will also be an opportunity for all friends and families of Children at Risk to meet informally on-line and to discuss issues around supporting children and families within the Autism Spectrum Disorders. 


 If you are interested in getting involved with Children at Risk by becoming a Board Member, Committee Member or a Volunteer please contact our offices at 613-741-8255 or email before the Board Meeting to register your interest and present a small bio.


Members who cannot attend may give a proxy to any other person, who need not be a member. Proxies must be in writing, signed by the member who will be absent, and mailed electronically.  Members who have given a proxy may still change their minds and attend, in which case the proxy is cancelled. Only those members who have paid their annual membership dues to Children at Risk, Ottawa, have the privilege of voting at the AGM. However, ALL are Welcome to the AGM, even if you are not a Member!

If you have any questions or require additional information – do not hesitate to call our Offices at 613-741-8255 or email


Brenda Reisch, Executive Director, Children at Risk, Ottawa


 ALL are Welcome to the AGM, even if you are not a Member!

 The following business will be conducted:

1. Approval of Minutes of 2023 AGM 

2.  President’s Report

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Report on Services

5. Fundraising Report

6. Receipt of the financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 

7. Appointment of Auditors

8. Fix Number of Directors on Board

9. Election of new Board

Our address

235 Donald Street,
Suite 209
Ottawa, Ontario
K1K 1N1


(613) 741-8255

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Thank you for your submission. Expected response within 48-hours.

© 2023 Children at Risk

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